CloseWatch Visual Identity Refresh
A redesigned logo created to support stronger brand recognition
Project Overview
The company’s logo originally featured uppercase typography and used a shield design to convey strength and security. The use of the flag motif - which was often customized for various regions/countries - felt more like forced clip art than a well thought out design element. The whole logo lacked a certain approachability, and the result was a confusing menagerie of variations appearing in everything from print to screens.
With the updated logo design, we wanted to strike a balance between corporate and useful. By removing the thin rail-like uppercase type in favor of wider variation, the logo now had some weight. Next we addressed the often overused shield icon. With real-time incident monitoring being a focus of the CloseWatch solution, the eye as a brand identifier was explored. Rather than have the icon stand apart of the typography however, we incorporated right into the word mark to create something instantly recognizable. When removed from the rest of the word, the eye-C combination works as a strong mark that can be reproduced at multiple sizes.
About the Client
Developed by Zeteky, Inc, Closewatch was designed to provide law enforcement and emergency management professionals operational oversight and situational awareness from one centralized dashboard.
Project Roles
Art Direction & Design
Jeffrey Lewis
Creative Direction
Remington Begg
The old CloseWatch logo. No good.
During initial rounds of concepts, we had explored keeping the shield shape in hopes retaining some of the equity of the old mark.