Laser Grading Visual Identity
A visual identity that included a logo, stationery and website
Project Overview
Impulse Creative provided logo design and website design as part of the client’s company wide rebrand. Beginning with research and a series of sketches, we tackled the logo design first. As a color palette was developed, web design wireframes were created to aide with development and copywriting.
Laser Grading’s goal was two-fold: attract new business and rekindle relationships with longtime clients. An updated visual identity served as the catalyst for accomplishing both parts of the client’s goals.
My favorite aspects of this logo are the subtle nods to both the company namesake as well as the actual services they provide.
In early drafts of the logo - both digital and hand drawn - I explored the potential of including the letter "L" to be a direct reference to the brand name, Laser. I wasn't happy with just using a letterform however. This was where references to the work Laser Grading performs came in. Using the anatomy of heavy machinery one would often find on a construction site as inspiration, I arrived at a couple of simple geometric shapes. Enter the "block" and the "blade."
In the final icon, the negative space between these two parts form something akin to the letter "L" which had been a goal of mine all along.
About the Client
Based in Southwest Florida, Laser Grading & Environmental has provided residential and commercial builders with construction site preparation and maintenance for over 25 years. During a change in ownership, Impulse Creative was brought on to redevelop the brand’s visuals and tone of voice.
Project Roles
Art Direction & Design
Jeffrey Lewis
Web Development
Deven Davies
Danielle Rhodes
Creative Direction
Remington Begg
Elements of the final logo can be seen in early rounds of sketches
Collateral expanded the use of the color pallette to round out the entire identity system